Today in DeFi - Sushi Arbitrum Soon, DexGuru on Polygon, and More...

2 years ago 363

Sushi Arbitrum Soon

Sushi will test and deploy Sushiswap on Arbitrum Rollup as a potential L2 solution. Arbitrum’s beta is live and open for devs, giving projects 2 weeks of preparation before Arbitrum fully launches to the public.


Today in DeFi is sponsored by Sushiswap.

Sushiswap is a DeFi-Native DEX which features the best liquidity across many DeFi pairs such as YFI, SNX, and AAVE.

Sushiswap has recently launched Bentobox, gas-efficient lending platform for DeFi, as well as Kashi, a one-click margin-trading platform.

Check out Sushiswap at, or try the Bentobox/Kashi beta at

DexGuru on Polygon

Twitter avatar for @dexguruDexguru @dexguru
This is The Moment You’ve Waited For 🔥 We're happy to announce launch on @0xPolygon 🚀🚀🚀 #defi #ethereum

DEX aggregator DexGuru launched on Polygon, supporting popular exchanges like QuickSwap, SushiSwap, Curve, etc.

0x API Live on Polygon

Developers can now access 0x API on Polygon. 0x is a backend aggregator which should bring more liquidity and better execution to users on Polygon.

Ren Fantom Bridge

Besides Polygon, RenBridge now also supports direct bridging to Fantom. Users can bridge native assets to and from Fantom on

Divergence Announced

Divergence announced a platform for users to hedge and trade volatility.

Divergence will have binary options, index derivatives, and yield vaults incorporating volatility trading strategies, with their initial focus on building an AMM-based marketplace for binary options.

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Disclaimer: Projects or tokens mentioned in this newsletter are often experimental or unaudited. Do your own diligence before using or buying anything mentioned.

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