Today in DeFi - StakeHound Key Loss, stETH on Inverse Finance, SharedStake Rug, and More...

2 years ago 326

StakeHound Loses Stake

ETH2 staking provider Stakehound has lost the private keys to its ETH2 stake. It claims that Fireblocks is at fault and has filed suit for not taking proper action to protect or back up the private keys.

FireBlocks, in turn, claims Stakehound is at fault

“The keys were generated by the client and stored outside the Fireblocks platform. The customer did not store the backup with a third-party service provider per our guidelines."


Today in DeFi is sponsored by Sushiswap.

Sushiswap is a DeFi-Native DEX on Ethereum, Polygon, and Fantom, which features the best liquidity across many DeFi pairs such as YFI, SNX, and AAVE.

Besides its multi-chain Dex, Sushiswap also has Kashi gas-efficient lending markets for long-tail assets like UMA, Rune, or Chainlink.

Check out Sushiswap at, or try Kashi here.

stETH on Inverse Finance

Inverse Finance listed Lido’s stETH on Anchor, Inverse’s second money-market protocol. Users can now lend and borrow against stETH.

Mirror V2 Soon

Synthetics protocol Mirror is launching V2 this Friday.

Mirror V2 includes new collaterals, pre-IPO assets, short incentives for shorting mAssets, and governance participation rewards.

SharedStake Rugged

SharedStake’s SGT token has apparently been rugged by a “rogue dev”(according to team members).

The token is down 95% as of writing, and users are advised to exit Saddle and staking contracts.

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Disclaimer: Projects or tokens mentioned in this newsletter are often experimental or unaudited. Do your own diligence before using or buying anything mentioned.

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