Today in DeFi - FTX Ventures Bets Lens, PancakeSwap Live on Aptos, Intro to Tranches, and More...

1 year ago 212

FTX Ventures Bets Lens

FTX Ventures is reportedly to invest in Lens, the social media protocol built by Aave.

PancakeSwap Live on Aptos

PancakeSwap has enabled trading for a few USDC pairs on Aptos and will launch incentivized farms soon.

Chainlink Low-Latency Oracle

Chainlink introduces a new oracle solution for derivatives markets that will reduce latency, prevent front-running, and lower gas costs.

ApeCoin Approved Bug Bounty

The ApeCoin DAO has approved a $4.4m bug bounty program. The program is expected to go live aiming to identify security issues in ApeCoin’s upcoming staking system. The staking system is expected to go live in early December.

Intro to Tranchess

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