Today in DeFi - Ren to Sunset 1.0, rETH as DAI Collateral, Intro to Quoll Finance, and More...

1 year ago 179

Ren to Sunset 1.0

While working on the 2.0, Ren will sunset its 1.0 within 30 days. Ren-assets holders are recommended to redeem their assets to avoid potential damage/fund loss.

rETH as DAI Collateral

MakerDAO has deployed rETH (RocketPool staked ETH) as a new collateral type to generate DAI. The rETH-A vault has the min. collateral ratio of 170%, a 1.5% stability fee, and a 5m DAI debt ceiling.

Polynomial Earn Vaults V2 Live

Derivatives protocol Plynomial launches Earn Vaults V2, allowing users to invest in automated option selling strategies.

Upcoming: Chainlink Staking

Chainlink will be available to Early Access users on Dec 6th and General Access will go live on Dec 8th. Users can check eligibility of early access using the staking app.

Upcoming: Cardano Djed

Co-developed by COTI and IOG (Cardano lead devs), the first algo-stable Djed will be launched on Cardano mainnet in January 2023. Djed will require more than 400% in collateral value to be minted. 

Stride Airdrop

Stride airdrop for early testnet participants will be claimable later today.

Intro to Quoll Finance


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