Today in DeFi - Rari yvToken Pools, SynFutures on Polygon and More...

2 years ago 303

Rari Yearn Vault Pools

Rari launched a set of Yearn vault token pools on Fuse, Rari’s open interest rate protocol.


Today in DeFi is sponsored by Sushiswap.

Sushiswap is a DeFi-Native DEX on Ethereum, Polygon, and Fantom, which features the best liquidity across many DeFi pairs such as YFI, SNX, and AAVE.

Besides its multi-chain Dex, Sushiswap also has Kashi gas-efficient lending markets for long-tail assets like UMA, Rune, or Chainlink.

Check out Sushiswap at, or try Kashi here.

SynFutures on Polygon

SynFutures is a futures exchange with arbitrary assets & maturities, synthetic AMM, and automated liquidator.

Users can sign up for the closed alpha to start trading on SynFutures Polygon.

Opium Upgrade & SpaceX Insurance

Twitter avatar for @Opium_NetworkOpium @Opium_Network
The new version of
Opium.Finance is live and ready for a reality-check!🧪 >>>>>> For the first two weeks, the original version will be available in case you are unhappy with the new one–but please let us know what you don't like Image

Opium upgraded with new features and new UI.

Tow days ago Opium launched SpaceX insurance with a 3%-6% premium, which is more affordable than what SpaceX has to offer.

Follow @todayindefi to keep up with the latest DeFi news on Twitter.

Disclaimer: Projects or tokens mentioned in this newsletter are often experimental or unaudited. Do your own diligence before using or buying anything mentioned.

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