Today in DeFi - Replicated Security Live on Cosmos, Shapella Live on Goerli, Automated LPing, and More...

1 year ago 269

Replicated Security Live on Cosmos

The Cosmos v9-Lambda Upgrade is completed and Replicated Security (the first version of Interchain Security) is now live. The upgrade will benefit the consumer chains with additional security and ATOM stakers will have more staking rewards.

Free Web3 Domain Based on your Twitter Handle

Unstoppable Domain is a sponsor of Today in DeFi and a domain registrar that allows you to own domain names that represent your unique identity or brand on web3.

Register your free domain based on your twitter handle using our link.

Our link will also give you a discount on further domain purchases.

Shapella Live on Goerli

The Ethereum Shapella fork (withdrawals) went live on Goerli with all validators finalized. The mainnet launch date will be discussed in the next ACDE call on Thursday.

FVM Live on Filecoin

The Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) is now live, enabling programmability on the Filecoin network, and kicking off the final step of the Filecoin Masterplan.

Sturdy Airdrop

Lending protocol Sturdy enables token claims for eligible users, including users of partner projects Aura, Convex, and Yearn, top 500 DegenScore Beacon holders, and Sturdy community members.

EU to Regulate Smart Contracts

The EU Parliament passes Data Act including smart contract regulation. “Smart contract developers may need to design reset possibilities to allow termination or interruption of transactions.”

The legislation will now travel into trialogue negotiations, where each EU institution will defend its position.

Uni V3 Deployment, Automated LPing, …

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