Immersive technologies: How VR technologies can boost our well-being

1 year ago 96

Neuro-biologists have already proven that the human brain can’t tell the initial difference between reality and deep fantasies. It works for both dreams and daydreaming. In other words, if our brain perceives something as real, we react to it as if it was true. That is why emotions we get in the skillfully-built immersive reality can be a substitute to those we get in real life. 

Hormones and emotions

Unlike most animals’ brains, the human mind tends to be anxious about probable troubles. Hence, problems that haven’t occurred yet tend to cause neurosis and fears. Assumed difficulties, such as job loss or global economic instability, are commonly making people stressed. Interestingly, this happens even if the probability of those events is low. 

What is also remarkable, anxiety often stops when the undesired event happens. When fears come to reality, people tend to get calmer and start solving the problem. The secret is in the release of adrenaline — a hormone that stimulates the nervous system. To boost the release of adrenaline, a lot of people search for extreme sports like bike racing or mountaineering. This hormone, in its turn, increases the acceleration of blood flows to the muscles and brain, relaxes the muscles, and helps with the conversion of glycogen into glucose. To put it very simply, bright emotions, which people feel when they are in real or imagined danger, can equilibrate the imbalance in the human body and make you feel better. 

How VR technologies can boost our well-being

Passing through some adventures and participating in immersive virtual fights can boost the production of adrenalin in the human body just like extreme sports do. Farcana Lab developed and adopted techniques that help to dive into the atmosphere completely, moreover, the track simulator and VR boots will force the player to active movements, which, in combination with the virtual adventures, will force the endorphin output. Such an overall approach is targeted at distress. Moreover, communication with other players provokes the oxytocin output, which is crucial in the process of shaping the feelings of private safety and anxiety mitigation.      

On top of that, according to the research made by Andrew K. Przybylski and Netta Weinstein, widespread computer games lead to diminishing the level of aggressiveness among teenagers and young people. So, the current task of the gaming developments is to enhance this effect and expand its performance. Modern gaming is not only about having a good time, it’s also about reducing the level of stress or aggressiveness.   

Dmitry Mikhailov, CSO at Farcana Gaming Metaverse 

Dr. Dmitry Mikhailov is an associate professor at the National University of Singapore and an expert contractor in the United Nations, visiting lecturer in the universities of USA, China, South Korea. He has 10+ years of experience working in DeepTech. He is an author of 27 patents, more than 200 scientific articles, and 10 books dedicated to AI technologies, informational systems, and big data. As a CSO of Farcana Metaverse, he is working on implementing the latest research in VR and AI technology to make the user experience more satisfying. 

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